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What is an ACCP Center

An ACCP Center is an education institution partnered with ACCP to offer university courses. It may be a high school, university, or educational institution.  Our ACCP Center partners set their institutions apart from all their competitors by offering their students the opportunity to earn part of their US/Canadian undergraduate degree in their home country at a reduced cost.


​ACCP Coordinator:

Each ACCP Center must assign a staff member at their institution as the ACCP Coordinator. The foundational role of the ACCP coordinator, which plays a crucial role in supporting the success of both the partner institution and its students within the program, is critical for the success of students engaged in the program and the establishment of a college-going culture.


Role of an ACCP Coordinator:

  • Facilitating the ACCP at the respective institution using materials provided by IPERC. 

  • Ensuring compliance with all policies and guidelines set for the ACCP Centers.

  • Assisting instructors, including reminding them to submit syllabi annually to IPERC and input semester grades.

  • Guiding students through the registration process, managing changes in registrations, and reminding students of deadlines and other tasks upon request.

  • Addressing student inquiries regarding eligibility, tuition payments, and credit transfers.

  • Communicating institutional changes, such as updating and reviewing the course ledger for semester alterations in offerings and personnel, and handling other requests as needed. 

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Timeline and Procedure for
Partner Center & Coordinator

Establish Initial Relationship (One-Time):


9 weeks before the semester starts:

  1. Compile the course offering list for the semester. 

  2. Gather new instructor material, including a teachable syllabus for the applied courses. 

  3. Remind new instructors to complete the Adjunct Instructor Application Form.


6 Weeks Before Semester Starts:

  1. Ensure that the course offering list and syllabi are complete.

  2. Confirm that all ACCP teachers have completed the Adjunct Instructor Application Form.

  3. Complete the Partner Center Semesterly Course Offering info sheet and provide all required information in the questionnaire.


2 Week Before Semester Starts:

  1. Hold an online Onboarding Training for Phase-One Approved instructors with IPERC. 

  2. Remind instructors to complete their MUID form and Online FERPA Training form.

  3. Ensure students have filled out the Student Application Form.

  4. Provide IPERC with a Student Registration Roster in form of an excel sheet, listing student names and enrolled courses.


Within 1 Week After Semester Starts:

  • Finalize the class roster for each course, including any add/drop students. Note: Students withdrawing after this period will receive a 'W' and it will affect their GPA.


Within 3 Weeks After Semester Starts:

  1. Record video of in-class lecture (this would preferably be done on the first day of classes), and submit that video by completing the Lecture Video Checklist and Submission Form.

  2. Follow instructions when recording the video and review all videos according to the checklist before submission. (Not applicable for fully-approved instructors)


Last 2 Weeks of the Semester:


Within 1 Week After Semester Ends:

  1. Ensure all instructors finish all grading.

  2. Ensure all instructors report student final grades to the Checkmarq system.

  3. Ensure that all Phase-One approved instructors must turn in three graded final assessments. If there are three or fewer students in the class, turn in all students’ graded final assessments.

ACCP Quality Guarantee

The quality and integrity of the ACCP program are of the utmost importance to IPERC and its ACCP partner institutions. To ensure that ACCP Centers maintain our academic standards, IPERC will take the following quality control measures:

  1. Syllabi developed for each course must be approved by the ACCP Program to ensure it meets ACCP course requirements.

  2.  Final examinations for each course are based on the learning objectives provided by ACCP.

  3. Final exams will be recorded to ensure that academic integrity standards are maintained.

  4. The ACCP Program will conduct random checks of student examination forms to ensure academic integrity. Additionally, examination forms will be kept for 2 years to maintain records of student performance.

  5. In the event of any academic dishonesty, the school in question will be required to retest its students.

  6.  The ACCP Program will conduct site visits or lecture recording reviews at each ACCP Partner Center at least once per semester. ACCP staff will provide a detailed report of each site visit, explaining what was observed during the visit and providing feedback to the ACCP Partner Center regarding suggestions for improvement. The ACCP Program will maintain records of past site visits and future plans for site visits.


1170 Old Henderson Rd. Suite 208 Columbus, OH 43220, USA
+1 614-553-8513

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