Welcome to our Instructor Resource Page, a vital support hub tailored to empower and assist our dedicated educators. This page is a comprehensive resource center designed to enhance your teaching effectiveness within our program. From curriculum materials to essential guidelines, we emphasize the importance of instructors adhering to procedures and guidelines for a seamless educational experience. Your commitment and adherence to these standards are crucial to the success of our program, ensuring that both you and your students thrive in the learning environment we've created.
Partner Center Instructor Qualification
IPERC ensures that all teachers are qualified to offer a college level course to their students. To ensure the quality of the courses, all instructors should have the following qualifications:
Be recommended by a Partner Center
Have the ability to teach their course(s) in English
Have at least a master's degree in the course subject or at least 18 graduate credit hours related to the subject they are teaching.
If an instructor does not meet any number of the three qualifications above, their materials will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Timeline and Procedure for
Partner Center Instructors
9 weeks before the semester starts:
Submit new instructor material, including a teachable syllabus for the applied courses to your center's coordinator. See sections below for more information on instructors qualification and syllabus writing.
Complete the Adjunct Instructor Application Form.
2 Week Before Semester Starts:
Attend the online Onboarding Training.
Complete MUID form and Online FERPA Training.
Within 3 Weeks After Semester Starts:
Record video of in-class lecture (this would preferably be done on the first day of classes), and submit that video by completing the Lecture Video Checklist and Submission Form
Within 1 Week After Semester Ends:
All instructors must finish all grading.
Report student final grades to the Checkmarq system.
You must turn in three graded final assessments. If there are three or fewer students in the class, turn in all students’ graded final assessments
4 weeks before the semester starts:
Submit a teachable syllabus for the applied courses to your center's coordinator. See sections below for more information on instructors qualification and syllabus writing.
Within 1 Week After Semester Ends:
All instructors must finish all grading.
Report student final grades to the Checkmarq system.
Adjunct Instructor Application and Approval Process
Step 1. Complete the Marquette Adjunct Instructor Application.
Step 2. Upload required documents in the above application:
Master's Transcripts
Sample syllabus
Step 3. The university will review your materials. If approved, move to the next steps.
Step 4. Participate in an online onboarding training session provided by the IPERC.
Step 5. Create an original syllabus for the approved course and submit it to IPERC team. Revise as needed based on feedback. Please see sections below for the guidelines regarding the syllabus.
Step 6. Once the syllabus is approved (Phase-One Approved), you can start teaching. Record a lecture video (preferably the first class) and submit it to the IPERC team. Also, send three graded final exams to Marquette by the given deadlines. Please see sections below for the guidelines regarding the lecture recording.
Step 7. The IPERC team will notify you of full approval or rejection. Fully approved instructors can continue teaching, while rejected instructors cannot.
Syllabus Creating and Instructions
Craft a strong syllabus using the provided template, aligning school and course names. Ensure adherence to the Course Description, emphasizing creativity and rigor in selecting a college-level textbook. Clearly outline assignments, exams, attendance, and late work policies. Conclude with the course schedule and duration details for a structured learning experience. See the detailed instruction below for directions on how to craft a good syllabus:
Template and Structure: Utilize the Syllabus Template, ensuring that the high school name aligns with your partner center's name, and the High School Course Name corresponds to the designated name for this course at your partner center.
Course Description: Craft the syllabus in accordance with the Course Description, available upon request.
Textbook: Exercise the liberty to select a college-level, contemporary textbook. Infuse creativity and innovation into the course content and information.
Reading Requirements: Students are expected to engage with approximately 500 pages of reading, encompassing both the textbook and supplementary resources.
Assignments and Exams: Ensure that all graded assignments contribute to a cumulative total of 100%. Provide comprehensive explanations for each category. The Final Exam should encompass a diverse range of problem types, such as multiple choice and word problems.
Attendance and Late Work Policy: Develop a clear and concise attendance and late work policy, tailored to your preferences.
Course Schedule and Duration: Clearly communicate the preparation expected for each class, integrating text chapter reading assignments into the schedule. Include dates for reviews, exams, and due dates for all assignments, tests, and exams. Allocate a minimum of 40 hours for lecture meetings.
1170 Old Henderson Rd. Suite 208 Columbus, OH 43220, USA
+1 614-553-8513
Credit Requirements and Duration
Each course must have the following amount of class time:
3 credit course: 37.5 hours of class time
4 credit course: 50 hours of class time
4 credit course with lab: 37.5 hours of class time, 12.5 hours of lab
Your class must attain the hours listed above within the following Minimum and Maximum number of weeks:
Minimum: 6 weeks: 2.5 hours of class time per credit per week
3 credit course: 7.5 hours of class time each week
Maximum: 15 weeks: 50 minutes of class time per credit per week
3 credit course: 2.5 hours of class time each week